Monday 14 January 2013

Running out of Time

Whapt happened?

Someone stole da time.
It is gone.

Somewhere else.

Can u bring it back?

And why did it happen?
Why? Why? Why?

So, let us change da perspective...

People doin' nonsense nowadays.

Maybe they do not have enuff lite...
Maybe they r not happy with their life...
Maybe they feel an emptiness inside...

and from there da madness starts:

Try 2 get 2 da core...

What is wrong?

DJ Moby from New York once said:
"Everything is wrong."

and even made a song about this:

That was roughly about 10 years ago. @ that time he was already an environmental activist. Someone else now provides insights on why w r so wrong:

Check this out:

and this is da movie, where they tell u why something so big was sooooo wrong:

da following quote is from their website (translated into German here, sounds weird, because da blog is in English, but u can find da English text on their website. So it does make sense...
"Gleichgültigkeit kann man nur durch Enthusiasmus überwinden. Und Enthusiasmus kann man nur erreichen durch zwei Dinge:
1. ein Ideal, welches im Sturm die Fantasie erreicht
2. ein konkreter verständlicher Plan, um das Ideal Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen"
 Arnold Toynbee, Historiker

en thu sia sm:

Snap je 't?

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