Friday, 28 March 2014

Building an Ark like Noah did - guerilla gardening as fun and creative

this is an ark
like that of noah, but 4 urself
so u need not 2 worry about next winter

now u can get all ingredients 4 free !!!!

make it fun! b creative!! make urself happy while u save a lot of lives (plant's lives mostly)

now is spring
and spring is time for sowing

and here is tips on how 2
do it the urban guerilla way

(so most probably one day u will b able to self-prepare such delicacies like shown below:

first u need:

this basket was to be trown away, but luckily we found a way to reuse
it is already filled with stones (as basis for our guerilla-gardening trip 2day)

basket or anything like that 
(an old bag will do too, it need not cost anything)

then>  stones, lots of different stones

below is another thing, a garden made by "saved plants"
u can see pictures from different kale
they were rescued from fields which are cleared now for new season
brussels sprouts transplanted

red cabbage

result of my trans plant atation activies, very successful and no cost @ all
this is a rescued cauliflower (already transplanted to its new location)

and here our ark almost ready
me has put a bed of grass below the two plants,
this is to protect the soil from drying and as safe haven for all earthworms in it

already filled with new plants,

here me has put 2 kale
me got them from a farmer who would otherwise have trown them away
(just because the field has to be cleared for the new seeding season)

now u see how damaged we are!

u just can leave old plants and wait and see what mother nature intended 4 them
most plants are made for much more than only one season

so, what did me do?

here some links and literature tipps
(but u can do without if u really luv nature and listen 2 her instead of people or experts)


marlies ortner "permakultur beginnt im garten"

kurt forster "mein selbstversorger-garten am stadtrand

ute scheub "terra preta"

alle buecher und noch viel mehr Interessantes gibts bei

und noch mehr zum mitmachen

oder hier

mein tipp: tierzucht weglassen,
denn tiere sind ihre eigenen geschoepfe
und physiologisch ist fruchtfleisch besser als leichenfleisch

prof arnold ehret

"mucusless healing system"  zu dt. "die schleimfreie heilkost"

das buch und das "vom kranken zum gesunden menschen durch fasten"

sind der hammer

oder geh doch zu

hier von der untenstehenden website>

...In der Verbreitung der bio-veganen Landbauidee im deutschsprachigen Raum haben die Universitäten undFachhochschulen des ökologischen Landbaus eine besondere Bedeutung. Die veganen Student_innen waren und sind es, die die Hochschulstandorte als Ausgangspunkt für den Aufbau eines bio-veganen Netzwerkes nutzten. Auch ihrem Interesse ist es zu verdanken, dass der bio-vegane Anbau immer wieder Thema für studentische Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten ist und somit die Basis für weiterführende Forschungsarbeiten zum bio-veganen Anbau schafft....

one of the best health and fitness mags in our world!!!
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self made raw food creation (soooo yummy!!!)