Saturday, 30 March 2013

A Poem 4 a soldier - a female one

recently i was in another city
and they had a theater announcement

picture taken @ checkpoint charly, anti war exhibition in Berlin, Germany

War has no female face

the place was Duesseldorf and it is about a theater play there 

so true, so true

and yet, u,
female soldier,
u r so brave
2 prove this

in a way

(or maybe verz few of us)

photo taken somewhere in Maastricht

... u just go with male-soldiers
into war!

which sounds crazy
2 me,
but surprise!

u miraculously broke da spell of hell

here is the poem


street art, Maastricht

- da serpent's egg -

thank u, woman-soldier
i don't know what u do
nevatheless - something happened
since u r there:

soldiers begin 2 talk
begin 2 melt
their ego 

which was needed so much

cause men think

(not all of them, but some still have such mindset)

war is a game
they think
they are heroes

but u know better
and u know
there is no one praising them
when they come home
war torn, heart broken, empty

except the get some salary
and maybe a medal

4 spending their best years
4 doubtful purpose
that no one
2 them
cause nobody knows
what u might know and tell

because it is real

street art, Maastricht

or even more...

u come home
from war and think
u r lucky cause u survived?

fool, the one u killed is in heaven
and u r left alone on earth
2 work this out

that is grace bestowed upon u
2 redeem ur action
cause it was wrong

- let's just face it!

one cannot die with guilty-pain
one can only die with a peaceful heart
and don't forget:
sleep is the brother of death

and anotha truth:
u cannot change da past
but u can speak out 4 peace, stand up 4 justice
and cry out ur pain and tell ur children,


one more secret:

try rescue animals who suffer
try help the needy
try freeing chicken from prison (for instance)
and care 4 them

they have some connection with heaven

so, u better NOT eat them
NOT wear their skin
NOT take their eggs

cause they belong to the world beyond
a world u normally see only after this life has ended

and their life

it is very interesting to compare those reviews
only then u know that u have 2 read urself in order 2 know

and i did read part of it

quite amusing, but do not give too much
if you hope to find some facts that are well researched
nevatheless a very fresh read
and worth if you are
stuck with old concepts and ideas about this country

this book maybe worth more then 10 of books written by some scholars
if u know how 2 handle it

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

MISEREOR Fasting Campaign - (Fastenaktion) 2013

this is some contribution
in order 2 help
end suffering
in our world

inspired by press conference on 14th of february 2013

We have enuff of hunger

this picture says it all, and children are saying it right into our faces
so please, listen, what they have to say:

let's start with some facts:

(no nonsense talk like lots of decennia ago until recently)

w r the ones w r waitin 4

Regenwald Report 4/2012 stated:

each citizen of Germany (if eating animal products) occupies on average 350 square meter of territory outside europe for soy production per year

beef: German beef production occupies 360.000 ha of land for soy production
(920g soy per kilogramm beef)

porc: staggering 50 million (!!!) pigs in Germany need 2.75 million of tons (!!!) of soy
this needs 1.5 Millions of ha arable land

chicken: for each kg of chicken-meat 470g soy is needed
220.000 ha of arable land is occupied for producing soy in order to feed those birds

 and Monsignore Pirmin Spiegel puts it right if he says:
....Hunger is not to accept!...
In his opening speech he mentioned the strange thing, that our economy has some weird logic behind aiming @ making well fed people hungry in order to let them consume more and more
while the less fortunate have less and less.

 Very touching also his notion of the dreams of the less fortunate people:

14 year old Rahina from Niger says: "I am dreaming of a village with enough of food every year. A village with electricity, flowing water and a good doctor."
Vidal Toledo (35 years) from Paraguay puts it the following way: "We have just become awake and independent, but we have great dreams of how we can grow (crops) in harmony with nature and provide people with healthy, ecological food products."

Monsignore Pirmin Spiegel (in the picture: second from left) is someone who knows what he is talking about, because as a pastor in Brazil he also witnessed how children died because of malnutrition-diarrhea. And he had to bury them...

what can be harder ...?

let me give u more facts from Regenwald Report 4/2012

each liter milk is based on 50g soy
each German citizen consumes 105 kg of dairy per year on average
German milk production "eats" 1.5 million of tons of soy
which needs 750.000 ha arable land

it may be hard to realize our mistakes
but it is only from there 
that we can start anew

it is us here in Europe
we have to change

no one else 
2 blame


it is so simple!

and did u know that if u choose
the right food for urself (which is, of course,
plant based*)
u would do your part to end suffering
for millions of animals?

what could be more 
in accordance with the will
of GOD Almighty?

 here some quote from the Holy Bible

Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
  Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.
Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.
  So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days.
And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat.


translation into German language

Da sagte Daniel zu dem Mann, den der Oberkämmerer als Aufseher für ihn selbst sowie für Hananja, Mischael und Asarja eingesetzt hatte: Versuch es doch einmal zehn Tage lang mit deinen Knechten!
Lass uns nur pflanzliche Nahrung zu essen und Wasser zu trinken geben!

let me give u some hint: try this @ home and do it as it would me the most important thing in ur life,
because, believe it or not, it IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THNIG IN YOUR LIFE if u did not do this already

 Je nachdem, was du dann siehst, verfahr weiter mit deinen Knechten!
Der Aufseher nahm ihren Vorschlag an und machte mit ihnen eine zehntägige Probe.
Am Ende der zehn Tage sahen sie besser und wohlgenährter aus als all die jungen Leute,
die von den Speisen des Königs aßen. Da ließ der Aufseher ihre Speisen und auch den Wein,
den sie trinken sollten, beiseite und gab ihnen Pflanzenkost.  

if u know the holy bible u will find out urself from which part this quote stems
and if u do not know the bible, this might be enough for today, better read this quote
several times in order to really put it into action (that is better than spending ur time with more and more
of reading which might be the same as excusing urself for not doing anything about this most important matter)

 soon there will be Easter
and every child loves lambs
(roaming freely on the meadow, of course)

and remember: u cannot enter the kingdom of God
if you are not as small as a child and that means,
you do not put urself above that animal
you do respect it as children would
 ** and all the other creatures of GOD's creation

 mother earth is sad,

but it might be u
to bring back a smile
onto her face


more is here to find:

here something from their website (from 1988)***

Glauberger Schuldbekenntnis
Wir bekennen vor Gott, dem Schöpfer der Tiere, und vor unseren Mitmenschen:
Wir haben als Christinnen und Christen versagt,
weil wir in unserem Glauben die Tiere vergessen haben.
Wir waren als Theologinnen und Theologen nicht bereit,
lebensfeindlichen Tendenzen in Naturwissenschaft und Philosophie
die Theologie der Schöpfung entgegenzuhalten.
Wir haben den diakonischen Auftrag Jesu verraten
und unseren geringsten Brüdern, den Tieren, nicht gedient.
Wir hatten als Pfarrerinnen und Pfarrer Angst,
Tieren in unseren Kirchen und Gemeinden Raum zu geben.
Wir waren als Kirche taub
für das Seufzen der misshandelten und ausgebeuteten Kreatur.
Glauberg im Frühjahr 1988
Wir begründen das GLAUBERGER SCHULDBEKENNTNIS theologisch
Wir lesen die Aussagen der Bibel zu Schöpfung und Mitgeschöpflichkeit mit neuen Augen und neuem Interesse. Wir wissen,
wie sehr wir 'mitten drin' sind in der Natur, verbunden mit allem was lebt - und in gleicher Weise bedroht. Die Neuentdeckung
der Schöpfungstheologie -hat unsern Blick auch auf die Tiere gelenkt, unsere geringsten Brüder und Schwestern. Wir
merken, dass wir ihnen als theologisch denkende und arbeitende Christen eine Umkehr schulden.
Wir begründen unser Schuldbekenntnis seelsorgerlich.
Seit Jahren erwarten viele Menschen, die im Tierschutz aktiv sind, von uns Pfarrern, dass wir uns für die Rechte der Tiere
einsetzen. Enttäuscht haben sich viele von ihnen von der Kirche abgewandt, weil in Theologie, Diakonie und Gemeinde
weder in Wort noch in Tat ein deutliches Zeugnis für die Tiere abgegeben wurde. Das Vertrauen dieser Menschen
wiederzugewinnen, die Zeit, Geld, Kraft und zum Teil ihre Gesundheit für die Versöhnung mit den Tieren einsetzen, ist eine
seelsorgerliche Herausforderung für uns.
Wir begründen unser Schuldbekenntnis ökumenisch. Besonders am Beispiel der 'Tiersegnungen' ist uns aufgefallen, wie
schwer sich die evangelische Kirche mit den Tieren tut. Die katholische Kirche hat da weniger Scheu, und wir möchten gerne
von ihr an diesem Punkt lernen. Wenn 'oikumenos' den gesamten 'bewohnten Erdkreis' bezeichnet, dann ist darüberhinaus
auch der Zusammenhang alles Lebendigen gemeint. Katholiken und Protestanten haben hier eine gemeinsame
Verantwortung, und deswegen schicken wir dieses Schreiben auch an katholische Amtskollegen mit der Bitte, die Sorge für
die Tiere zu einem ökumenischen Anliegen zu machen.
Das GLAUBERGER SCHULDBEKENNTNIS ist politisch begründet,
In unseren Augen verfügt die Kirche nicht über reale gesellschaftliche Macht, die sie gegen naturfeindliche
Wirtschaftsverbände oder tierquälerische Produktionszweige einsetzen könnte. Wir erfahren aber immer wieder, dass Kirche
eine moralische Autorität hat, deren Zeugnis in Wort und Tat in die Gesellschaft hinein wirkt. Wenn wir als Theologen und
Pfarrer uns nun zu einem politisch brisanten Thema in Form eines Schuldbekenntnisses äußern, dann hat das
Signalwirkung: wir setzen ein Zeichen dafür, dass es bei jeder Veränderung zuallererst nicht aufs Machen ankommt,
sondern auf das Eingeständnis der Schuld. Das gilt im Umgang mit den Tieren genauso wir für jede andere politischeVeränderung. 'Ohne Schuldbekenntnis ist Versöhnung nicht möglich' - das ist für uns ein politischer Glaubenssatz.

*** I might ask, how long have we been sleeping....?
and science meets compassion, because real good science
knew all about nutrition since times immemorial
ask Pythagoras or Einstein or
Albert Schweitzer
or maybe
St. Francis of Assisi

Fasting really starts if the fasting period is over,
that means, u should not fall back
to your meat eating habits
if you had some
cause time
is running
it means life

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Fasting and Healing in da context of ur respective Religion

this is about fasting

every Reiligion has this concept including urs (believe it or not, A-Theism is also a Religion, so this was also written 4 da followers of Richard Dawkins and otha scientists with this concept)

what fasting does?

- cleaning
- economizing
- healing
- condensing
- focusing
- and:

most important:

sharpen ur senses and overall awareness

isn't it interesting that babies only feed from motha's milk during da first years of life?
isn't this da best food for 'em?

w know that motha milk in fact is a kind of purified food produced by da motha who is a kind of G.O.D. 4 da child, simply she provides everything in those years

and what 4 r fathers made?

this will reveal @ a later stage in life
there is a "Zeitfenster" (special window of opportunity, timebound)
when their great mission is needed

so, pls do not worry that here this representation of it is looking rather pessimistic,
it will change in time and, of course, with da rite food

if u r a believer from whateva religion,
this might b vital 4 ur development
if u do not know so far

this was something humourus (but u need 2 b good in language skillz)

and here something about OXFAM

and this is really incredible

this maybe more soft and stylish 4 all female viewers

and here in Netherlands

and also Indian style

this is 4 all muslim readers of this blog:

u 'd want 2 read the Quran by urself
and do not fall prey to false instructors

educate urself and remember da Prophets (PbuH) words:

do not make ur stomach a graveyard for animals

this for Churches of Jesus Christ

and if u still r full of questions
then u know 4 sure
how important fasting really really is
just b happy with urself
and do not add more garbage into ur stomach

it might b poison what u ate
cause animals do hate*
the one who kills
is neva right

good nite

* they also have children and family
and they hate being separated from them
and they hate being slaughtered every day million times
and they hate the waste of energy and lack of love in our societies
and they love all humans, but they hate being killed by those who do not know
cause the ones who know do pay the ones who do not know and this is devils work, 4 sure

but game is over now

do not forget this...

planet earth is much too precious 4 such an outdated game

P.S. u can always change, this is how:

If u have enuff - enuff of poison, enuff of lies

this is about da thinx u wann do
if u have no time, no hope and less money even :)

(at least u can have some fun that way)

just go out into pure wild nature
or go out into ur garden, plant some crops
or go to a museum, watch some thinx
or, in case u r hungry, try this one:

what is this?

somethin that can make u happy, no matter why u r out of hope and time

ingredients r 3 only:

carrots (mohrrüben)
kale (spitzkohl)
salt (without additives, best is mineral salt)
water (from tap)
oil (native, cold pressed, no additives)
spices (basil, pepper)

just mix this (mixer costs about 70€, which is a lot @ in our times, brand: Philips is fine)
if no old mixer @ home and no money 4 a new one, wait 4 next recipe which is without mixing

this is a lamb
and it has a mother (like u)
and having eaten ur raw food soup (c above recipe)
u can b sure someone is very grateful
that u eat like nature intended u to eat
pure, innocent and harmless

gentle sheep
sweet and meek
fun and humble
almost like
the bumble-bee

and if u wanna know more,
just wait and c
or follow b

follow b?
da bee, sure

may be u remember da quote from Albert Einstein about how much time humans have if the bees are disappearing

he also wrote (may be this quote is even more important)

and before w close our blog 4 now
the lamb told me 2 tell u

there is also vegan Döner available,
ask ur loval vegan restaurant, they can tell u
or go to

or u seek those raw vegan websites,
there are even more 
and u can do urself
have a good day