Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Exceptional Movie "About Time" - British Art of Filmmaking

about time

is a refreshing and very well done movie
about life as it is - an adventure and a task

it all depends on the one in the major role

but u have to watch da movie yourself

it is made by the ones with

"4 weddings and a funeral"

and here is some text from universal uk about that movie

At the age of 21, Tim is told an incredible family secret by his father: all the men in his family have the ability to relive their past. He can revisit any moment in his life to try things differently until he gets them perfectly right.

He decides to use his special new gift to win the heart of the beautiful Mary, but finds that the course of true love can be hilariously difficult -- even with the ability to try, try and try again. And even when everything seems to be going well, an unfortunate twist in time means that he never met Mary at all... While his unique gift might just help him find true love, Tim discovers that it can't save him from the ups and downs that life brings to everyone. In the end, he finds that making the most of love and life will mean giving up the past and living for the moment. 

Richard Curtis is the writer of TV shows such as Not the Nine O'Clock News, Blackadder, Mr Bean and The Vicar of Dibley. His movies include Four Weddings and a Funeral; Notting Hill; Bridget Jones's Diary; and Love Actually and The Boat That Rocked, which he also directed. Most recently, he co-wrote the screenplay for War Horse.

very much to recommend,
if u liked 4 weddings and a funeral then this u will like at least as much

o my gosh, how time changed someone's outfit
hugh grant has changed over time

and here another trailer,
because this movie is soooo good and funny

you might also like "Josephine"
which is a kind of Bridget Jones but a French one,
is to recommend too

i wrote something about it somewhere

and if this is not enuff

"Fanny" is also a movie worth watching, but to tell the truth
i do not know the rest of this trilogy
but better to see them all or nothing

and last but not least
an old movie which is timeless

Nicole Kidman in one of her best movies ever

and this movie has a special importance sind
"Cloud Atlas"

it is no surprise that scientists now call the world which we cannot see
(but some can) "shadow biosphere'

it seems as if the world of elfs and fairies is coming back to our minds
as it really does exist

but do not ever try to take the wrong way to get there
you might be more comfy living your life and getting to know yourself
rather than being lustrous or becoming addicted to astral things
it is not worth it ... and even this can be scary

better work on your life, it is work enough,
only you should know:

fairy tales are true
other civilisations exist
we are not alone


most importantly


(this phrase is taken from SMCH)

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Jorge Marín - Art from United States of Mexico

this is about an exceptional exhibition

by an artist from Mexico
named Jorge Marín

incredibly much to see
even if this excibition
is very small

in a very small country

u could see this 
at a place where movies
like "Fanny", "Josephine", "Safety not guaranteed" could be seen

all brandnew (those movies) and from 2013 or 2012
not mainstream, but (even better) that is the price
for small thinx with more to offer (sometimes)
than those big gigantic stuff

here is more about this artist


incredibly balanced
(this is like living in today's world right now...at least to me it seems)

but nevertheless

it is dark before sunrise

and pegasus has problems

it might be something of this "freedom" thing ...

did we had this before?

but freedom has to do with footprint

because freedom ends where everyone else's freedom
is minimised because of biiiiiigggg footprints of a few

just watch horse!

it suffers, it does not really wants to be dominated
and ridder is not real, only using powers from others

but, there is a way from that
to something

more beautiful

and from there u can start exloring

what matters most:


(but beware of ur footprint, Europeans, Americans, ...)

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Deutschland, o wie abgetakelt - lauf aus, lauf aus...

D o wie abgetakelt
hast du dich dem Tod verkauft
dicke Bäuche, Planungsfalle,
Sicherheit ist obenauf

deine Kinder sind schon süchtig
kriegen Spritzen ungefragt
und die Menschen schuften tüchtig
Business ist Sklavenmarkt

eure Smartphones, eure Autos
sind aus rohstoff hergestellt
doch was gebt ihr all den armen
die für euch das feld bestellt

ja ja spiele, brot und kuchen
könn‘ sie haben, wie das Kind
lass sie bloß zuviel nicht fragen
könnt‘ ja sein, dass was nicht stimmt

mit den zinsen, mit dem zaster
auch mit pharmaa und mit food
wer entkommt dem fahndungsraster
eure welt – sie ist so gut

guckt euch flagge, euren stolz an
merkt ihr schon, wie falsch die welt
schwarz – materie, gold ganz unten
habt es auf den kopf gestellt

denn ihr könnt nicht ewig leben
auf dem schoenen erdenrund
auch fuer den, der liebt materie
schlaegt einstmals die letzte stund

und das gold, das muesst ihr lassen
weil ihr es noch nicht begreift
gold: erleuchtung fuer die massen
bevor comet die erde streift

denn die götter sind gekommen
euch zu helfen, menschenkind‘
all die priester, gerad‘ die frommen,
ob sie wohl das teufels sind?

guck, was rauchen, trinken, prassen
diese doch den ganzen tag
was sie and’ren uebriglassen
keine seel‘ mehr wissen mag

doch die gnade, allerhoechste,
kam hinab zu dieser stund
willst du’s wissen, fast erloeste?
tu nix tierlich in dein‘ schlund

denn dann gaehrt es,
rumst und zappelt
albtraum, schmerz und seelenqual
wie du willst das gift verdauen
von dem fetten luxusmahl?

mit organ da wird gehandelt
als ob heilung kaeuflich waer
monsanto hat das feld verschandelt
ueber dir damoklesschwert

wer will leben auf dem acker
der von chemie nur so strotzt?
wer will geben drogenknacker,
der vom saufen nur noch kotzt?

wenn du jetzt ganz boes verzweifelt
an nix glauben wollen magst
geh auf turm du, der da eiffelt,
du am besten nachbar fragst!

denn auch nachbarn leiden mit dir
haben angst und sind ganz matt
ja auch sie, sie ha’m gegessen
sind vom IGF ganz platt

IGF, das hast du sicher
nie im leben noch gehoert
ist hormon das … kicher, kicher
was dir bald das hirn zerstoert

das gemeine, bodenlose
an dem ganzen spielchen ist
das es juckt euch in der hose
und ihr euch dann fasst verpisst

schlimmer geht auch, das ist bitter,
wen der nachwuchs fertigmacht
denn du großer, maecht’ger ritter
an eines hast du nicht gedacht

dass die goetter sind gekommen
in dein eignes, hohes haus
haben sich ganz gut benommen
sind noch nicht aus windeln raus

sind als kinder dir gegeben
von der hoechsten koenigin
ja, so sind wir goetter eben
suchst du noch da drin den sinn?

brauchst nicht suchen, brauchst nicht beten
auch das fluchen taet‘ nicht not
tu du lieber teig mal kneten
leb vegan, sonst du: idiot!

ja, die goetter in den wiegen
ha’m dich um den schlaf gebracht
zaehl‘n nicht laemmer, sondern ziegen,
denn sie haben schoepfermacht

lieben leben, lieben tiere,
lieben wildnis, weit und groß
fragen sie nach vogelmiere
geht problem erst fuer dich los:

denn wie willst erklaeren deinen
kindern großen die geschicht,
wo du heute koenntest aendern
lauf der welt mit deinem licht

auch in dir, du angepasster
office-trunken business molch
findet sich trotz allem zaster
auch ein wilder kleiner strolch

den erkennen du nicht wolltest,
weil karriere dich geknickt
auch wenn gueter du verzolltest
hast du nicht dein hemd gestrickt

taten’s kinder, taten’s greise
in nem fernen, weiten land
wo sie leben von dem reise
selbst gesaet mit bloßer hand

deine firma, deine traeume,
sind die denn das große geld?
all dein leben – nur noch schaeume?
was ist, wenn die aktie faellt?

was, wenn du mal, gar nicht weise,
ja, wenn du mal gehen musst
gehst du polternd, gehst du leise?
oder hast du keine lust?

auf das sterben, auf das siechtum
auf des lebens abgesang
dafuer gibt es eine loesung
die jetzt schon elysisch klang

teile, liebe, schenke tapfer
lad die alten freunde ein
oeffne grenzen, halt dich wakker
leben muss doch so nicht sein

guck nur all die großen kinder
was sie treiben jeden tag…
sie verwalten, rechnen, schalten
dass man gar nicht gucken mag

du musst wissen, wirklich wissen
du kannst aendern diesen scheiß
isst du leichen, bist zerrissen,
besser fliehen aus dem kreis
wo repetiert und variiert,
was tag um tag an glanz verliert

wake-up, alter sack
sonst bring’n sie dich ins grab
deine eignen leute
fleischverseuchte meute
ihre waffe heißt das „tier“
(so heißt irgendein fluggeraet der militaers)
ihre drohne kauftet ihr
(frag deinen abgeordneten)
ihre waffen bautet ihr
(deine steuern)

pandora’s box ist offen
(frag deine wissenschaftler, besonders Bio-u. Gentechnik)
wart wieder mal besoffen
von eurem eignen mist
und seid schon fast gedisst

doch gnade gibt es auch
von tieren kommt sie auch

von sonne und von regen
ihr koennt noch was bewegen
zu dieser letzten stund
bevor es wird ganz bunt
und leben wieder rund
und schoen und gut
mit neuem mut

text: hat mir ein child of da universe erzaehlt (wasn't me)
bilder: danke an berliner museen, Museumsinsel, Galerie alter Meister, aktuelle Ausstellung
sorry, for the direct and explicit words, but tuff times demand tuff action (peaceful and loving, though)

Saturday, 4 May 2013

The 1st of May in Berlin - Where are we going to?

here some impressions
from the 1st of May
in Germany's capital


very promising
in midst of a global crisis
there is flowers (!)

mother nature is kind of happy

despite her biggest problem
(homo sapiens)

the darkest hour is the hour before sunrise
... and the sun is rising ...

and what a nice day 2day

and u can feel some brise of change

despite all odds

and u even find some
delicacies in some places

this is vegan ice-cream, no joke, very delicious

almond - mango etc.

hopefully they put this on their website, because
vegan ice-cream has future

because plant based protein
is healthy

and, believe it or not
dairy is not

the reason: casein
the protein in milk, dairy 

it activates some of ur genes
and produces adverse health effects

here is more background 
info in various languages

but back 2 Berlin

blooming everywhere
mother nature gives freely
no patents, no copyrights

nothing is as strong
as an idea
whose time has come

and u can read about such wonderful news,
for example here:

or go to local press shop
OYA is the name of the magazine

mother nature needs help in this time of confusion
reach out and see urself in the other
we are all here
and sharing


and don't let the dark side distract u

change urself 
and ur world will change

Trailer for movie ELYSIUM

(i would not watch it, cause this is NOT our future)

if u are afraid of
something like war, aggression, loss

u might want 2 watch this

this is truly hopeful

and this too

if all grown-ups would only read this book by author Saint-Exupery ...

still there is time ...

Saturday, 30 March 2013

A Poem 4 a soldier - a female one

recently i was in another city
and they had a theater announcement

picture taken @ checkpoint charly, anti war exhibition in Berlin, Germany

War has no female face

the place was Duesseldorf and it is about a theater play there 

so true, so true

and yet, u,
female soldier,
u r so brave
2 prove this

in a way

(or maybe verz few of us)

photo taken somewhere in Maastricht

... u just go with male-soldiers
into war!

which sounds crazy
2 me,
but surprise!

u miraculously broke da spell of hell

here is the poem


street art, Maastricht

- da serpent's egg -

thank u, woman-soldier
i don't know what u do
nevatheless - something happened
since u r there:

soldiers begin 2 talk
begin 2 melt
their ego 

which was needed so much

cause men think

(not all of them, but some still have such mindset)

war is a game
they think
they are heroes

but u know better
and u know
there is no one praising them
when they come home
war torn, heart broken, empty

except the get some salary
and maybe a medal

4 spending their best years
4 doubtful purpose
that no one
2 them
cause nobody knows
what u might know and tell

because it is real

street art, Maastricht

or even more...

u come home
from war and think
u r lucky cause u survived?

fool, the one u killed is in heaven
and u r left alone on earth
2 work this out

that is grace bestowed upon u
2 redeem ur action
cause it was wrong

- let's just face it!

one cannot die with guilty-pain
one can only die with a peaceful heart
and don't forget:
sleep is the brother of death

and anotha truth:
u cannot change da past
but u can speak out 4 peace, stand up 4 justice
and cry out ur pain and tell ur children,


one more secret:

try rescue animals who suffer
try help the needy
try freeing chicken from prison (for instance)
and care 4 them

they have some connection with heaven

so, u better NOT eat them
NOT wear their skin
NOT take their eggs

cause they belong to the world beyond
a world u normally see only after this life has ended

and their life

it is very interesting to compare those reviews
only then u know that u have 2 read urself in order 2 know

and i did read part of it

quite amusing, but do not give too much
if you hope to find some facts that are well researched
nevatheless a very fresh read
and worth if you are
stuck with old concepts and ideas about this country

this book maybe worth more then 10 of books written by some scholars
if u know how 2 handle it