money spent on military things - lost, no matter who pays
money spent 4 nucear energy - lost, look up the history ... it costed more then it will ever generate
money spent on patents - not useful, because it all comes from the creator,
money spent on genetic engineering or animal experiments - bounces back, harmful, because that arises the wrath of the SGoatS
what SGoatS is, 2morrow, when 2morrow comes
(da darkest hour is da hour before sunrise)
green heroes? might b....
nature does not want us: fear, franzy, freezin' and nature does not want us 2 make others fear, franzy, frightened
peace & luv & happinez
Monday, 31 December 2012
How 2 trance4m
something before it (2012) ends...
there is not much 2 add, just order the dvd and watch it...
and this is where our money should go (directly or indirectly): activities 2 save our planet, because still
(i cannot believe it, but...) there might b people who really eat those kind of "animal products"...and they even do not know...
so mayb w help 'em a bit? outdated, not 2 recommend anymore, it is from da past, where people thought they can feed on cruelty in order to get health, sooo wrong this concept even if it adapts to an almost plant based agenda. look up their website and u will find much illusion beside some truth
and by the way, it will end on January 1st...
Because it will get dark also, u cannot change it, i am sooo sorryy...
Day and Nite r mutually dependent on each other...
and u can buy a coin (maybe from gold or one of those other metals they build those smartphones with...
and u give those coins 2 ur offspring, just 4 fun, and maybe one day they find the book "Nathan, the wiseguy" by Gotthold Ephraim is about religion...none is better than the other (in a nutshell)...and what about those coins? Just read it, or ask where the metal comes from:
if it is from some old barrens sleeping somwhere in a tresor and not used: better use that than 2 dig 4 new metals in our precious grounds,
w just do not need the smartest phone
w just do not need the newest grabbed gold from mines that r unsafe and an environmental hazard
w only need 2 undastand, that - no matter what excuses w might have - nation's richness is directly proportional to the amount of nature reserves, wild animal species, pet animals and biodiversity
if eatin' meat fish dairies, eggs ----> making stupid decisions, so it seems (need only 2 watch this movie: Planeat)
but in order 2 finish this post,
excitin' things happening on the sky:
did u eva notice that the size of moon and sun are almost equal on the sky?
when did they appear 2gether on the sky the last time?
theses pictures r from far away places, but show one thing:
sea levels rising - would b major threat 2 our civilization
(R Pachauri said once: if there is no action before 2012 that is too late)
i think he is right, but the right thought @ the very end of 2012 might be enuff, to changes da whole planet
such is the power of human consciousness: if compassion replaces dominance, then w can smile
time is ticking though...
and da moon still ova us
but what r w waitin 4???
what time is luv???? 3 am eternal, 4 am eternal or 5 am eternal...
let's pray 4 time - so our hearts can b felt by ourselves,
here a vid from a German artist, who is part of "Die fantastischen Vier": impressive, but no translation into English, helaas, but u can find it if u really want it.... it might exist in a parallel universe...
out of the darkness
there is light (!) in green leaves....
and there will b neva eva light
in those pharmaceutical products like drugs
i saw psychiatric hospital being built exclusively 4 kids
by men who had to earn an earnest living
financed by others who think they r doing good deeds
but it is useless,
spending all da money
for superficial artificial "cures"
who really needs those drugs???
who really invents those stuff???
who really cares about LOVE
nothin new on earth
even if motha earth survives
what r u waitin 4
and now back 2 beginng of post and again and again and again...
there is not much 2 add, just order the dvd and watch it...
and this is where our money should go (directly or indirectly): activities 2 save our planet, because still
(i cannot believe it, but...) there might b people who really eat those kind of "animal products"...and they even do not know...
so mayb w help 'em a bit?
and by the way, it will end on January 1st...
Because it will get dark also, u cannot change it, i am sooo sorryy...
Day and Nite r mutually dependent on each other...
and u can buy a coin (maybe from gold or one of those other metals they build those smartphones with...
and u give those coins 2 ur offspring, just 4 fun, and maybe one day they find the book "Nathan, the wiseguy" by Gotthold Ephraim is about religion...none is better than the other (in a nutshell)...and what about those coins? Just read it, or ask where the metal comes from:
if it is from some old barrens sleeping somwhere in a tresor and not used: better use that than 2 dig 4 new metals in our precious grounds,
w just do not need the smartest phone
w just do not need the newest grabbed gold from mines that r unsafe and an environmental hazard
w only need 2 undastand, that - no matter what excuses w might have - nation's richness is directly proportional to the amount of nature reserves, wild animal species, pet animals and biodiversity
if eatin' meat fish dairies, eggs ----> making stupid decisions, so it seems (need only 2 watch this movie: Planeat)
but in order 2 finish this post,
excitin' things happening on the sky:
did u eva notice that the size of moon and sun are almost equal on the sky?
when did they appear 2gether on the sky the last time?
theses pictures r from far away places, but show one thing:
sea levels rising - would b major threat 2 our civilization
(R Pachauri said once: if there is no action before 2012 that is too late)
i think he is right, but the right thought @ the very end of 2012 might be enuff, to changes da whole planet
such is the power of human consciousness: if compassion replaces dominance, then w can smile
time is ticking though...
and da moon still ova us
but what r w waitin 4???
what time is luv???? 3 am eternal, 4 am eternal or 5 am eternal...
let's pray 4 time - so our hearts can b felt by ourselves,
here a vid from a German artist, who is part of "Die fantastischen Vier": impressive, but no translation into English, helaas, but u can find it if u really want it.... it might exist in a parallel universe...
out of the darkness
there is light (!) in green leaves....
and there will b neva eva light
in those pharmaceutical products like drugs
i saw psychiatric hospital being built exclusively 4 kids
by men who had to earn an earnest living
financed by others who think they r doing good deeds
but it is useless,
spending all da money
for superficial artificial "cures"
who really needs those drugs???
who really invents those stuff???
who really cares about LOVE
nothin new on earth
even if motha earth survives
what r u waitin 4
and now back 2 beginng of post and again and again and again...
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
An einen mäandernden Familienvater
Still in Mondlichts fahler Fernde
Steht im Dunkel kalt der Wald
Raunt sein Rauschen einem Sterne,
dass er nicht vom Himmel fallt,
denn vom Himmel fallen Sterne,
weiß doch heute jedes Kind,
doch auf diese Erde ferne,
nicht viele gefallen sind.
Denn es gäbe Katastrophen,
Hagel, Schauer, Beben gar,
wenn Kometen wie Magneten
wollen auf die Erde gar.
Warum, das fragst du ewiglich,
warum, ohne zu ändern dich.
Warum, willst uns holen?
S‘ wär‘ gestolen!
Kometen sind wie Kinder,
sie kommen, wann sie woll’n
du magst dir welche wünschen,
doch kannst nie zwingen woll’n
Und besser ist’s für Mutter,
für jedes Menschenkind,
dass weiß noch seine Mutter,
wo die Kinder sind…
Nur gibt es noch was and’res
Das sei dir hier enthüllt
Die Mutter der Kometen
Auch ihre Kinder stillt.
Und wenn sie einmal fallen,
auf die Erde gar,
würd' manchem noch gefallen
doch nicht dem Adebar
denn Adebar, der weiß,
was viele Menschen wussten
s hat alles seinen Preis
en tierre sogar in bar
wer immer gaat vernichten, (gaat=im Begriff sein, etwas zu tun)
ob Tier, ob Pflanz, ob Kind,
der weiß doch noch mitnichten,
wo die Wesen sind…
doch frag mal seine Frau
die Adebarerin, (4 runaways: p subs)
sie schwieg sehr lang bisher
weißt du, wo Störche sind?
Es geht allein um’s essen,
denn was ist gar sonderbar?
Es fehlen viele Wesen
Auf Erden, so mega offenbar.
Ihr seht sie nicht, (4 sluggish's: % or online gratis)
ihr esst sie nur,
ihr fühlt sie nicht,
sie schreien nur.
Ihr kennt sie nicht,
sie weinen,
ihr könnt sie nicht,
Fang bei dir an,
bei and’ren nicht,
das Urteil
ist dein Gericht
Mitunter kommt
Weise leise full movie in HD
Auf stillen Pfoten
Ihr idioten
Geht’s ein und aus
In euer Haus
Und wenn ihr das nicht wollt,
dann sei euch noch gesacht,
ihr habt’s nicht in der Hand,
auch wenn ihr gerne wollt.
Ihr könnt nicht sterne klauen,
und wollt doch Menschen bauen,
das Ende der Geschicht:
tu and’re klonen nicht.
Denn Dolly, ach du Schreck, English
Dolly ist schon weg,
doch andre sind jetzt hier,
Wer? Was? Soll ich erzählen Dir?
Frag’s selber doch, du Bock! pls refer 2:
Das Schaf hat einen Schock,
es traut dir nicht, du Wicht,
und schenkt dir dann die Gicht,
was dann kommt, frage nicht?
Brauchst nur dich zu erinnern,
an all die ganzen Mätzchen,
von AIDS bis BSE
mir hat’s erzählt ein Kätzchen
es seuftze schwer, oh je…
auch Tiere haben Kinder,
das weiß doch jedes Rind,
drum Tier_ und Menschenskinder
die besten Freunde sind.
Das war’s nun hier für dich,
für dich, du großes Kind,
weil wir nun schon so lange
die besten Freunde sind.
Zum Abschluss noch Essenz
Hast Zeit bis diesen Lenz
Moral von der Geschicht:
Lass and’re tötn nicht
Nicht für dich
Nicht für ihn
Nicht für es,
don’t make a mess.
Denn Messen komm‘ von Gott,
das weiß nicht jedes Kind,
denkt immer noch, oh Gott,
wie groß die Menschen sind.
Messa da
Choc oh grace
Rpe diem…
Nullum est iam dictum
Quod non sit dictum prius
Pius pia
Gus gus ia
Pus pus
Ha ha haha!
Sunday, 23 December 2012
The past u cannot change, but rmbr 2 change the now
Something worthwhile 2 remember and I will share it here:
w made many mistakes in the past.
w did not respect nature
w were 2 much into thinking and acting
now sit back and relax (b fore u start ur next big project) ,because it might actually already exist etc...
how many resources it costs?
is it fair-trade?
r people doing it really free 2 choose what they do?
is it grown out of love? (do people this out of joy and passion)
and what about carbon-methane-ground water-footprint???
to remind of the latter here a videolink
w made many mistakes in the past.
w did not respect nature
w were 2 much into thinking and acting
now sit back and relax (b fore u start ur next big project) ,because it might actually already exist etc...
how many resources it costs?
is it fair-trade?
r people doing it really free 2 choose what they do?
is it grown out of love? (do people this out of joy and passion)
and what about carbon-methane-ground water-footprint???
to remind of the latter here a videolink
Friday, 21 December 2012
some things r really old and need not 2 b mentioned anew...
but why then people forget?
forget their dreams...
forget their memories...
forget their childhood...(the most important time in their life)
and if there is bad memory: digg it out, or let it be, just take ur time 2 reflect on what u do and do not do
sometimes it maybe hard 2 acknowledge things that could frighten u, but even in dark places there can b beauty:
and do not get confused, ur life is ur life and not the life of somebody tryin 2 make u believe u r nothing
but: pls respect other's life... u have free will - but if u take life, how can u bring it back? u cannot and should not.... there r some borders w should never transgress: one is life the other is messing up with nature
Respect and u will be respected
Act with love and u will b loved
* Read the books u read as a child, watch movies u watched as a child...believe in u!
Exhibitions 2 tranceform
some links 2 marvelous kind of exhibitions ...
this is about native culture where a photographer travelled around the world and met indigenous tribes. Aim is to create awareness that ancient tradition and culture are worth more than any hi-tec or decadent food stuff. That does not mean we do not need technology, but it means we should not replace on with the other, just go in peace and harmony and: DO NOT Create more uprooted folks, pls do NOT cut trees 4 buildings that had been planned years ago and only are there 2 spend money because of tax savings (this is stupid)..,
this is about harmony, nature and human 2 gether bound to this beatiful planet, 2 gether evolving 2 higher realm, inner and outer, but totally dependent on each other because of common ground: mother earth = gaia
this is actually a movie, but if u have not seen it yet, go try 2 c it
and last but not least, an amazing film that is already in cinemas across Europe:
this is about native culture where a photographer travelled around the world and met indigenous tribes. Aim is to create awareness that ancient tradition and culture are worth more than any hi-tec or decadent food stuff. That does not mean we do not need technology, but it means we should not replace on with the other, just go in peace and harmony and: DO NOT Create more uprooted folks, pls do NOT cut trees 4 buildings that had been planned years ago and only are there 2 spend money because of tax savings (this is stupid)..,
this is about harmony, nature and human 2 gether bound to this beatiful planet, 2 gether evolving 2 higher realm, inner and outer, but totally dependent on each other because of common ground: mother earth = gaia
this is actually a movie, but if u have not seen it yet, go try 2 c it
and last but not least, an amazing film that is already in cinemas across Europe:
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Save the geese this x-mas, save all animals from being eaten! by humans!
This is 4 all the geese that told me, this year is different from every year before. They do not wanna die, really...they r too excited 2 c what is going on...there r marvelous things coming our way. So i decided 2 upload some postcards u can share with ur loved ones....
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Science Fiction revisited - or - Child's Play - part 1
in the following post comes a tale written by a child at very young age (now this child is grown up and living somewhere in the milky way, of course, but nevertheless somehow this tale survived all upheavels). This tale was lost 4 some time, but now rediscovered. I will translate while publishing it here. Exclusively brought 2 u. Enjoy! (i will include my own remarks in italics to adapt the new reader to those things the author could not know as she or he wrote those lines.)
The levitating planet
We are in the year 3720. Men have made peace with seven different life forms from 10 solar systems.*
(at those times the story was written, men used to fight with each other often times. They quarreled and worried and were fearful all because they did not know how 2 care. Today we know that this comes from lack of trust. Lack of trust can be cured with love. And with loving food, for instance: fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Fear can be cured with avoidance of fearful things: so better avoid horror movies, porno movies, fast cars, and most important fearful food, which is: all things from animals. Energy matters, and if u take the bad energy of fear inside ur body than u have that.)
The extraterrestrials (the same applies to any aliens) are way ahead of us technologically-wise. Dr. Spranker (nobody knows why the author chose this name. we even suspect the author her-or himself was not aware of this) commissioned an expedition for exploration of space together with the extraterrestrials. Of course, the extraterrestrials are able 2 communicate with the astronauts. So, the spaceship starts (maybe nowadays we would use another expression, but the poet insisted on some individual "Ungereimtheiten") on 3 of augustus 3720. Name of the spaceship "Galaxy 10". (could be the 10th generation of samsungs flagship. The question is: will they survive that long? we know now that companies with sustainability, respect for mother earth and friendly working conditions and absence of pressure are very likely 2 b the ones who survive the transition to a peaceful planet earth)
BREAKING NEWS: Now the sheep says: wanna sleep, so pls p patient, more is coming soon, 2 soon....
*Description of those aliens u will find on page ...
The levitating planet
We are in the year 3720. Men have made peace with seven different life forms from 10 solar systems.*
(at those times the story was written, men used to fight with each other often times. They quarreled and worried and were fearful all because they did not know how 2 care. Today we know that this comes from lack of trust. Lack of trust can be cured with love. And with loving food, for instance: fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Fear can be cured with avoidance of fearful things: so better avoid horror movies, porno movies, fast cars, and most important fearful food, which is: all things from animals. Energy matters, and if u take the bad energy of fear inside ur body than u have that.)
The extraterrestrials (the same applies to any aliens) are way ahead of us technologically-wise. Dr. Spranker (nobody knows why the author chose this name. we even suspect the author her-or himself was not aware of this) commissioned an expedition for exploration of space together with the extraterrestrials. Of course, the extraterrestrials are able 2 communicate with the astronauts. So, the spaceship starts (maybe nowadays we would use another expression, but the poet insisted on some individual "Ungereimtheiten") on 3 of augustus 3720. Name of the spaceship "Galaxy 10". (could be the 10th generation of samsungs flagship. The question is: will they survive that long? we know now that companies with sustainability, respect for mother earth and friendly working conditions and absence of pressure are very likely 2 b the ones who survive the transition to a peaceful planet earth)
BREAKING NEWS: Now the sheep says: wanna sleep, so pls p patient, more is coming soon, 2 soon....
*Description of those aliens u will find on page ...
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Wie alles endet...
Auch wenn es keinen interessiert:
Wenn die Welt morgen enden würde,
was würd' ich tun:
ich armes Huhn,
was würd ich tun?
Auf jeden Fall,
weiß ich,
was ich
das ist auch gar nicht
zum Lachen:
Ich würd
keine Tiere:
Federn lassen
und auch sonst:
kein Tier verprassen
oder auch auf Sohlen leisen
ihm nachstellen
oder was auch immer
Leute tun,
die keinen Schimmer
von dem HIER
von dem JETZT
das gar nie
so wie sie
durch's Leben hetzt:
Denn am Ende heißt's:
Leben, Leben
das gewesen
ist ein Leben
das vorbei
Nun ist Essen,
Trinken, Raffen*
und zwar:
P.S. Das mit dem Apfelbäumchen von M Luther ist auch nicht übel, nur du brauchst gar großen Kübel, weil das Bäumchen ganz schön wächst und auch sonst die Sach' verhext: Denn du musst noch Saatgut haben,
willst du da "Mon Santo" fragen? Ach wie bin ich heute giftig, doch ich hab nen Grund, ganz triftig. Zahnschmerz bin ich auch schon los, sag, wie macht Natur das bloß?
* Das mit X-mas war auch nicht so gemeint, liebe Zuschauer, auch wenn es euch NICHT kalt über den Rücken läuft (weil ihr soooo abgehärtet seid): Raffen hat schon immer jemandem geschadet, und sei es um der lieben Erkenntnis willen (von der so manche(r) nicht genug haben kann.
Wenn die Welt morgen enden würde,
was würd' ich tun:
ich armes Huhn,
was würd ich tun?
Auf jeden Fall,
weiß ich,
was ich
das ist auch gar nicht
zum Lachen:
Ich würd
keine Tiere:
Federn lassen
und auch sonst:
kein Tier verprassen
oder auch auf Sohlen leisen
ihm nachstellen
oder was auch immer
Leute tun,
die keinen Schimmer
von dem HIER
von dem JETZT
das gar nie
so wie sie
durch's Leben hetzt:
Denn am Ende heißt's:
Leben, Leben
das gewesen
ist ein Leben
das vorbei
Nun ist Essen,
Trinken, Raffen*
und zwar:
P.S. Das mit dem Apfelbäumchen von M Luther ist auch nicht übel, nur du brauchst gar großen Kübel, weil das Bäumchen ganz schön wächst und auch sonst die Sach' verhext: Denn du musst noch Saatgut haben,
willst du da "Mon Santo" fragen? Ach wie bin ich heute giftig, doch ich hab nen Grund, ganz triftig. Zahnschmerz bin ich auch schon los, sag, wie macht Natur das bloß?
* Das mit X-mas war auch nicht so gemeint, liebe Zuschauer, auch wenn es euch NICHT kalt über den Rücken läuft (weil ihr soooo abgehärtet seid): Raffen hat schon immer jemandem geschadet, und sei es um der lieben Erkenntnis willen (von der so manche(r) nicht genug haben kann.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Wie alles begann ...
This is a sheep. As sheeps have colors, this one has too...
Wenn du das nicht lesen kannst, dann du lernst erst Englisch ... go to: (vielleicht steht da auch
was ueber Schafe) oder lies
"Struwwelliese" wenn du Frau
"Struwwelpeter" wenn du Mann oder guck dir Kino an: "Cloud Atlas" wenn du "Skyfall" has(s)t gesehen.
Was Lana* und der Tykwer kann, geht die Menschen alle an: Zukunft wird JETZT gemacht.
Und dann geht's erstmal Englisch lernen irgendwann, Johnny Englisch ist schon dran...
Weiter hier demnächst...(Aber bitte baut jetzt nicht schon wieder einen Turm von Babel, schaut euch lieber Pisa an. Was die Studie alles kann...Sogar schiefen Turm sie haben, looping back würd' ich da sagen.)**
* stellvertretend für die Macher von "Matrix-Trilogie", denn aus Bruder wurde Sister, sind doch immer noch Geschwister. Weiß nur Nam' von Bruder nicht, will warten auf das Großhirn nicht.
** nein, das ist nicht weird, erst Denken, dann urteilen...oder warten: Auflösung folgt bald.
Wenn du das nicht lesen kannst, dann du lernst erst Englisch ... go to: (vielleicht steht da auch
was ueber Schafe) oder lies
"Struwwelliese" wenn du Frau
"Struwwelpeter" wenn du Mann oder guck dir Kino an: "Cloud Atlas" wenn du "Skyfall" has(s)t gesehen.
Was Lana* und der Tykwer kann, geht die Menschen alle an: Zukunft wird JETZT gemacht.
Und dann geht's erstmal Englisch lernen irgendwann, Johnny Englisch ist schon dran...
Weiter hier demnächst...(Aber bitte baut jetzt nicht schon wieder einen Turm von Babel, schaut euch lieber Pisa an. Was die Studie alles kann...Sogar schiefen Turm sie haben, looping back würd' ich da sagen.)**
* stellvertretend für die Macher von "Matrix-Trilogie", denn aus Bruder wurde Sister, sind doch immer noch Geschwister. Weiß nur Nam' von Bruder nicht, will warten auf das Großhirn nicht.
** nein, das ist nicht weird, erst Denken, dann urteilen...oder warten: Auflösung folgt bald.
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